Silent Movie starring Melissa Gonzalez, actress!!!
Here's me as lead actress in Silent Movie (above) which premiered at the Creative Arts Guild in Dalton, Georgia May 13, 2010. Stacy Davidson played opposite me.
And here's some more information about Silent Movie:
Silent Movie is an on-going project-in-progress pursued on the fly by very, very busy people. In other words, by people much like you. This opening "rough draft" segment of Silent Movie (originally subtitled "First Sketch: Hopeless Crush at the Pentz Street Station Coffee Shop"; the initial intention was for Silent Movie to feature six related coffee shop sketches) premiered at the Creative Arts Guild in Dalton, Georgia May 13, 2010, and though there were plans to keep shooting footage, further production stalled. Hopefully production will resume at some point. At any rate, you might consider what you see here, as the opening (rough draft) installment of the movie. A local Dalton, Georgia production that puts into actual practice the concept of blending the talents of some of our very gifted citizens who have so-called developmental disabilities of one sort or another (don't we all?), with the resources, talents, and population of our "larger" community, Silent Movie is spear-headed by a small group that includes local artist/art teacher Victoria Minor and staff members at Cross Plains Community Partner. CPCP director Debbie Conway; the Pentz Street Station Coffee Shop in downtown Dalton off Pentz Street (most particularly owner Bill Bowen and manager Ginger Downing); and the Dalton Public Schools system, have been very generous in their support of this effort, and of cast and crew as well. The Silent Movie production hearkens back to the old days of silent movies (non-talkies) shot in black and white, with characters, action and sub-titles (as well as music) moving things along, and to actors and actresses with real, actual, human, innate, flesh-and-blood charisma. Silent Movie stars Melissa Gonzalez and Stacy Davidson; and is edited by the very talented Christian Olvera. (P.S.-- unfortunately, you probably won't be able to decipher the words scrawled on the note Melissa slips to Stacy just as Stacy leaves the coffee shop; the message simply says "I like you" and is signed "Melissa".)
Film Editor:
Christian Olvera
Billy Morrison, Jason Cook, Tony Burress, Stacy Davidson, Melissa Gonzalez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Alex Cerda, Roger Castilio, Trista Self, Nada Mohamed, Robin Williams, Daughn Daugherty, Bill Bowen, Ginger Downing, Derald Perkins, Mary Long, Sephanie Crawford, Mac Britt, Tommy Slaton, Jerry Morrison, Amy Norris, Ken Chambers, Steve Gazaway, Nikki Smith
Victoria Minor
Silent Movie Concept and Story-line:
Victoria Minor
CPCP staff members
Christian Olvera
I had not got to see this before. I like it!