Friday, January 20, 2012

"Rainbow Wings Dragonfly", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Rainbow Wings Dragonfly

"Hanging Out With Friends", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Hanging Out With Friends

"A Bucket of Flowers", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

A Bucket of Flowers
"This is my favorite painting"-- Melanie (sister)


"Freedom", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez


" 'Giddy Up' Kevin", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

"Giddy Up" Kevin

"A Day at the Ranch", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

A Day At The Ranch
"I'm so jealous! Melissa and I both love horses!" --Melanie (sister)

"Tree Top", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Tree Top

"Home Sweet Home", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Home Sweet Home

"Family Reunion", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Family Reunion

"Let's Volunteer", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Let's Volunteer

"Back to School", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Back To School

"Heeee Haaww!"-- a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Heeee Haaww!

"Family Cookout", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Family Cookout

"Candy Corn Pyramids", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Candy Corn Pyramids

"Arabian Nights Horse Show", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Arabian Nights Horse Show

"Day at the Zoo", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Day at the Zoo

"This Is Me", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

This Is Me
"Captures Melissa perfectly! Sweet! Straightforward! Loving!" -- Melanie (sister)
"I love my daughter." --mom

"Monkey Business", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Monkey Business

"Born to be Wild", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Born to be Wild

"Where the Hay?"-- a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Where the Hay?

"A Storm Is Coming", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

A Storm Is Coming

"It's My Bone", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

It's My Bone
 "Reminds me of Tommy's big eyes!" --Melanie (sister)

"Animal Planet", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Animal Planet

"Fly High Butterfly", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

Fly High Butterfly

"What Am I", a painting by Melissa Gonzalez

What Am I
"Is it a hippo?" --Melanie (sister)